Brian McCarthy

Took up Photography in the 1970’s to photograph our children growing up, I built a make shift darkroom in the spare bedroom, learnt to develop and print Black & White 35 mm, faded away after a few years, until 2007. I bought myself a small DSLR and a couple of lenses.

Did a couple of night class courses at the Grimsby College. I join Louth P.S. in 2008. Took an active part in the program and learnt a lot. Had a spell as on the committee, which put me off committees for ever, I’d sooner herd kittens.

I’d had some competition success at Louth but thought it was time to push on, so, I left to join Grimsby P.S in 2011, again took part in the competitions and had some success.

I join the RPS in 2014, with the aim of having ago at gaining the distinctions they offer, as a measure of where I am in the photography world.

I gained a LRPS in 2015, which was assessed at the Photography Show at the NEC Birmingham that year, which was good.

 My panel of 10 was assessed in the afternoon, which I attended, the first 6 panels all passed before my was shown, I thought well they must fail one soon was it going to be mine, no I passed, great! what a good day.

Bit of a break, then flushed with success I embarked on an associate project (Tweeter and The Monkey Man), after a few false starts on ideas I settled on a major project, which turned out to be 15 months of hard work. The premise was I was a stills photographer on a movie set, but I had to make the film to do this. I used an action man and built the sets around him and shot it all in my shed.

I gained my “A” in 2017, Lesley and I took the panel to Bath and stayed over night in a hotel a great couple  of days, also in 2017 I gained a gold medal and the Raymond Wallace Thompson trophy for my image “Soft Spanners” Started an “F” panel April 2018 (Skilled Hands) and was granted it in May 2019.

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