Competition Themes And Dates

To enable you all to prepare your images for our point-scoring competitions, below are the hand-in dates, competition dates and themes until May, 2021. In the hope of returning to face-to-face meetings later in the year, we have scheduled the PDI competitions first. Themes for the latter part of the year (hopefully prints) will be announced at a later date.

Competition No 1, PDI, Theme – Religion. Any aspect of any religion – still life, record, portraits, nature (even your Christmas themed images), colour or mono – your choice.

Hand-in date 14th January, competition judging 28th January, judge to be confirmed. Images to be sent via email to:-

Competition No 2, PDI, Theme – Still Life. You have control of the content, the composition, the lighting. The image should be as taken, with no additions and only minor post processing. This is not a competition for digitally manipulated images – for example, if you want a reflection, make sure you get it in camera, not in your editing programme ( 🙂 )

Hand-in date 4th March, competition judging 18th March, judge – Janet Davies A R P S. Images to be sent via email to:-

Competition No 3, PDI, Theme – Architecture – Restricted. In this competition, we are looking for made made structures such as bridges, locks, follies. Houses, castles, churches, shops, and similar are excluded. Further guidance will be posted presently.

Hand-in date 13th May, competition judging 27th May, judge to be confirmed. Images to be sent via email to:-

Jo Humberstone

I've always had an interest in photography, starting too many years ago than I care to remember. I have a variety of cameras in working order ~ pinhole, medium format, 35mm and digital. With working full time, there never seems to be enough free time to properly indulge in using them. 10 years or so ago, I took my first (and only!) "A" level ~ in photography. I was the only one on the course to only do darkroom work throughout. My own preferences lie with film and alternative processes ~ Digital is fine for most things, but for me it hasn't got as much "soul"! I enjoy sloshing around with various chemicals and I enjoy the unpredictability of some of the results. Having said that, I am happy to rise to the challenge of digital work and manipulating images for competitions and suchlike when time permits.

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