Loving when you can use your Hobby for work.

It seems to be happening more and more.  Now people know I like taking photographs, I am being asked to do more specific pieces of work that incorporates my hobby with the day job.

Most of what I take can’t be used online because some of the children we work with aren’t allowed a social media presence, but it doesn’t make the images any less important.  They are a record of some of the amazing things these young people have achieved.

This week I have ventured into two aspects of photography I hadn’t planned to.  On Saturday I worked at a celebration event for young people in care.  The theme for the event was “at the movies”, for my part I was asked to help children make some small animated movies – I won’t ever get a job at Pixar, but the kids who made them are really proud of their masterpieces, and the smiles I received, especially from the non-verbal children was all the reward I needed.   Later this week I am helping a young person discover the hobby and use it as a ‘Mindfulness’ endeavour.  Mindful photography can help you to slow down and to develop a deeper appreciation for the world around you, as well as improving your ability to be present and aware in your daily life. It can also help you improve your photography skills by encouraging you to pay attention to light, composition, and other technical aspects of photography. By being mindful while taking photographs, we can create images that are more meaningful and authentic, and that capture the essence of the subject matter in a way that is true to our own unique perspective.

Who knows by helping others I may learn a little myself on the way.

One thought on “Loving when you can use your Hobby for work.

  • 26/06/2024 at 8:17 am

    Like that Viv, that opens up all kind of new possibilities with flowers. (Well, new to me anyway).

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