India Day 7: Hodka

Today has both difficult and frustrating. After making contacts & with prior arrangement we visited a camp of the Juth nomadic people, with a view to documenting their present day of life.

The chief of the tribe had extremely bloodshot eyes and was not a modern diplomat.  However he did grant us permission to photograph one of the older women so we could document their traditions.

Chief of Juth Nomadic Group. 

Girls become women as soon as they menstruate, regardless of age, and are given in marriage.

A young woman in traditional local clothing. 

To signify their unavailability to other males, a golden padlock is placed for life through their nose. The weight of this lock is so great it would tear through the nose cartilage and skin, so it is supported by a strap worn over the head and attached to a metal plate counterweight worn on the back of the head.

A married woman, Juth tribe. 

It was quite acceptable to photograph the male members of the tribe.

A young man in the doorway to a traditional hut. 

    One thought on “India Day 7: Hodka

    • 23/09/2023 at 8:53 pm

      Its great to have some background information along with your cracking portraits David!

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