India Day 11: Alirajpur

Today we rocked up in a village called Alirajpur & endeavoured to track down sone members of the Bhilala tribe. The best way to start is with chai. 

Chai & Food Sellers, Alirojpur

Men running a chai shop full of Men

Eventually i did find the village’s women, standing at the side of the road in a line  

An Old Guy who maybe hadn’t seen a Westerner before. 

In the end we did find the tribe we were looking for and the gentleman we had spoken to provided two female members of his family in traditional dress.  It was far more contrived than would have liked, but we obliged and took some portraits showing their traditional everyday dress. 

A bhilala lady in traditional dress.  

    One thought on “India Day 11: Alirajpur

    • 23/09/2023 at 8:58 pm

      Is it normal for the women to wear traditional dress and the men to wear some apparently westernised clothes?

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