Portrait Print Scores

Here are the scores for our recent Portrait Print competition.

The subjects for the Human portraits were wide ranging from street shots, to studio shots, from candid shots to performers and although we only had one entrant submitting Animal portraits, the judge commended the entrant for submitting his entry.

Third Placed Image ~ Celtic Maiden by John Thorndike
Second Placed Image ~ The Greengrocer by David Huggett

First Placed Image ~ The Bookkeeper, by Mike Stringer

Jo Humberstone

I've always had an interest in photography, starting too many years ago than I care to remember. I have a variety of cameras in working order ~ pinhole, medium format, 35mm and digital. With working full time, there never seems to be enough free time to properly indulge in using them. 10 years or so ago, I took my first (and only!) "A" level ~ in photography. I was the only one on the course to only do darkroom work throughout. My own preferences lie with film and alternative processes ~ Digital is fine for most things, but for me it hasn't got as much "soul"! I enjoy sloshing around with various chemicals and I enjoy the unpredictability of some of the results. Having said that, I am happy to rise to the challenge of digital work and manipulating images for competitions and suchlike when time permits.

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